erpenbach, jonErpenbach, Jon
Absent without leave: penalties and costs imposed on Sen. Jon Erpenbach -  SR7
Senators absent without leave: compelling attendance of; sergeant at arms duties -  JR1 SR1
Ethics, elections, and lobbying regulation laws: prosecution and venue for trial of civil and criminal violations modified; disclosure of certain information provision  - AB656
Expense statements required by principal attempting to influence model legislation under consideration; reporting any thing of pecuniary value for scholarship purposes to GAB; legislative members prohibited from using allocations for office operation on memberships to organizations that propose uniform, model, or suggested legislation; penalty provisions; JRCCP report - AB621
Recall of incumbent congressional, judicial, or legislative elective officer or county elective officer specified in the Wisconsin Constitution: grounds limited and filing officer duties; Legislature required to establish a code of ethics for government officials and a board to administer it. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR63
WEDC: creation and coverage of certain positions under the code of ethics for state public officials and employees, GAB provision -  SB376
evans, terence tEvans, Terence T.
Life and public service commended - AJR60
evidenceEvidence, see also Lie detector
Foreclosure on abandoned properties: redemption period and court procedures modified -  AB414
Foreclosure on abandoned properties: redemption period and court procedures modified [S.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Amdt.2: notice of sale printed in a newspaper modified] - SB307
Harboring or aiding a felon: family members are not exempt from prohibition against destroying, altering, hiding, or disguising physical evidence; domestic abuse provision; penalty for violation increased under certain conditions; JRCCP report - AB118
Hearsay evidence is admissible at a preliminary examination -  AB509
Hearsay evidence is admissible at a preliminary examination -  SB399
Inadmissibility of a statement of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action or administrative hearing -  AB147
Inadmissibility of a statement of apology, condolence, fault, or remorse by a health care provider in a civil action or administrative hearing -  SB103
Obstructing a law enforcement officer by providing false information or evidence: convicted person may be assessed costs of the investigation [A.Amdt.1: exceptions added for recanting reports of or being a victim of abusive conduct or the report did not lead to criminal charges or a conviction]  - AB263
Sexual assault: procedures for evidence with DNA on it when no suspect has been identified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2682m, 2704m] -  AB40
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; victim in certain sex crimes against children can be an individual the perpetrator believed to be under 18; JRCCP report  - AB100
Sexually explicit conduct by a person under age 18: evidentiary recordings remain in possession of court or law enforcement agency, defense inspection provisions; attempt at specified sex crimes against children made a felony; victim in certain sex crimes against children can be an individual the perpetrator believed to be under 18; JRCCP report  - SB56
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases  - JR1 AB1
Tort reform: actions against manufacturers, distributors, sellers, and promoters of a product; strict liability; noneconomic damages limited; punitive damages; frivolous claims; health care service reviews confidentiality; use of health care reports or employee statements; hospital quality indicators reporting; expert and lay witness testimony; crimes of abuse, homicide, or negligence re health care providers and treatment or residential care facilities in specified cases [S.Amdt.1: punitive damages revisions; S.Amdt.9: actions against manufacturers, etc., modified] -  JR1 SB1
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report  - AB646
Trafficking of a child prosecution time limit revised and TPR provision; knowingly accessing certain child pornography materials made a felony; restricting evidence about complaining witnesses expanded re specified sex crimes; crimes expanded re interception of communications by law enforcement with judicial approval; crime victim compensation re sex crimes against children; JRCCP report  - SB536
excise taxExcise tax
Moist snuff: excise tax based on weight [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2637n, p, 9441 (3u)] -  AB40
Snowmobile registration, trail use sticker fee and supplemental aids, and gas tax formula revisions  - AB465
Snowmobile registration, trail use sticker fee and supplemental aids, and gas tax formula revisions  - SB365
executive officeExecutive office, see also Governor
Read to Lead Development Council created; assessing reading readiness of kindergarteners; knowledge of reading development and instruction required for certain initial teacher licenses; teacher education programs to report on number of graduates and performance of recent graduates used to evaluate the programs; educator effectiveness evaluation system and equivalency process developed; remedial reading services for certain pupils; DPI duties -  AB558
Read to Lead Development Council created; assessing reading readiness of kindergarteners; knowledge of reading development and instruction required for certain initial teacher licenses; teacher education programs to report on number of graduates and performance of recent graduates used to evaluate the programs; educator effectiveness evaluation system and equivalency process developed; remedial reading services for certain pupils; DPI duties [for further revisions, see entry under ``Literacy"] -  SB461
executive orderExecutive order, see Governor
expenditure restraint programExpenditure Restraint Program, see Shared revenue
expert witnessExpert witness, see Witness
f - F -
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  AB128
County fair association employee wages: income tax withholding exemption revised -  SB89
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  AB200
Winery may make retail sales and provide taste samples on fairgrounds under a ``Class B" license issued to the fair association, DATCP aid provision -  SB155
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements -  AB599
Child placed in out-of-home care: ``permanency plan" changed to ``case plan" and other revisions re concurrent planning, trial reunifications, and other planned permanent living arrangements [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, change to ``case planning" deleted, trial reunification includes home of a relative of the child and revocation revisions; S.Amdt.1: trial reunification revisions and court order required]  - SB502
College savings programs and College Savings Program Board transferred to DOA from Office of the State Treasurer [Sec. 74-77, 207, 208, 758-766, 868, 904-907, 1756-1760, 3491, 3492, 9149 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, certain family members who are not account members allowed to contribute and claim deductions, 9341 (5f)] - AB40
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary  - AB58
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary [deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -  JR1 AB11
Dependent eligibility under benefit programs: DETF must have DOA approval to expend funds if an audit is necessary  - JR1 SB11
Dependent health insurance coverage revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1477r, 3472b-p, 9325 (2f), 9425 (2f)]  - AB40
Exempting from taxation payments from employer to employee to reimburse medical care costs for employee's adult child, JSCTE appendix report -  AB213
Exempting from taxation payments from employer to employee to reimburse medical care costs for employee's adult child, JSCTE appendix report -  AB277
Exempting from taxation payments from employer to employee to reimburse medical care costs for employee's adult child, JSCTE appendix report -  SB203
Exempting from taxation payments from employer to employee to reimburse medical care costs for employee's adult child, JSCTE appendix report -  SE1 AB6
Exempting from taxation payments from employer to employee to reimburse medical care costs for employee's adult child, JSCTE appendix report -  SE1 SB6
Family and medical leave changed to conform to federal law; DWD duties -  SB8
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  AB41
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  SB23
Family and medical leave: state law construed as an enactment of statewide concern and preempts city, village, town, or county ordinances -  JR1 AB12
Harboring or aiding a felon: family members are not exempt from prohibition against destroying, altering, hiding, or disguising physical evidence; domestic abuse provision; penalty for violation increased under certain conditions; JRCCP report - AB118
Irrevocable burial trust for individuals enrolled in MA: DHS to seek approval for contributions from friends and family [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1459bn] -  AB40
Law enforcement officer who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: municipality to pay health care premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children under certain conditions  - AB27
Law enforcement officer who dies, or has died, in the line of duty: municipality to pay health care premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children under certain conditions  - SB18
Next of kin of a parental homicide victim: participation rights in proceedings under the Children's Code  - AB632
Parental assistance health care expenses account: individual income tax deduction for deposits to the account created, withdrawal for uses other than allowed purposes provisions; DHS to request certain Medicaid waiver; JSCTE appendix report - AB282
Public assistance and children and family services: chap.49 reorganized; JRCCP report -  SB400
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions -  AB62
School nurse requirements revised re RNs and DPI licensure, additional requirements for administration of drugs to pupils, and nonprescription drug product from parent or guardian: 2009 WisAct 160 provisions repealed except some written policy provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, school nurse definition amended, requirement that prescription and nonprescription drug products be supplied by a parent or guardian eliminated, training required for administering drug products in certain cases, civil liability immunity provisions removed; S.Amdt.1: charter school provision deleted; S.Amdt.2: certain private school personnel training does not need DPI approval; S.Amdt.3: list of types of drug products requiring training expanded] -  SB45
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - AB40
Actions affecting the family and paternity actions: form for SSN of minor children [Sec. 3478-3481, 9308 (2), (3)]  - SB27
Adult disabled child: court may order support re annulment, divorce, or legal separation -  AB271
Adult disabled child: court may order support re annulment, divorce, or legal separation -  SB534
Child support incentive payments to counties: DCF to develop plan, JCF approval required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (2i)] - AB40
Child support payment distribution revision [Sec. 3482, 9308 (1)] -  AB40
Child support payment distribution revision [Sec. 3482, 9308 (1)] -  SB27
Confidential communications to a guidance counselor, teacher, or teacher's aide by petitioner or respondent in an action affecting the family: provisions created, exception provided  - AB249
Delinquent child support collection revisions re DOR collecting from certified debt, insurers checking the support lien docket before paying claims, and a support enforcement agency from another state may deal directly with a financial institution in this state to enforce a lien -  AB603